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  5. Restropress Menu Cart

Restropress Menu Cart

The RestroPress – Menu Cart plugin is useful for the RestroPress users who want to show a cart menu on the header.


To install RestroPress Menu Cart

  1. Download Restropress Menu Cart
  2. Go to the site’s /wp-admin Plugins > Add New section.
  3. Go to the Install Plugins section and select the Upload option.
  4. Browse to and locate the ZIP file you downloaded in step 2, and select Install Now.
  5. Finally, go back to the Plugins page, find the RestroPress Menu Cart plugin and select Activate.


Go to Restropress -> Settings there you will find the Menu Cart

  1. Enable Menu Cart
  2. Enable/Disable Always Display Cart
  3. Choose a Cart Icon Anyone
  4. Choose your display in the menu.

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