This filter is applied on sets up the dates used to filter graph data
The filter includes one parameter, $dates. By using this filter we can apply more condition to filter the reports on the basis of customized condition.
apply_filters( ‘rpress_report_dates’, $dates );
function rpress_report_dates_filter( $dates ) { switch ( $dates['range'] ) : case 'this_month' : $dates['m_start'] = date( 'n', $current_time ); $dates['m_end'] = date( 'n', $current_time ); $dates['day'] = 1; $dates['day_end'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, $dates['m_end'], $dates['year'] ); $dates['year'] = date( 'Y' ); $dates['year_end'] = date( 'Y' ); break; endswitch; return $dates; } add_filter( 'rpress_report_dates', 'rpress_report_dates_filter', 20, 1 );